Filtering by: Professional Development

Water Testing Workshop
2:30 PM14:30

Water Testing Workshop


Training will take place at Petaluma High School (PHS) in Room F-16 and will be facilitated by PHS science teacher Lee Boyes.

This training is designed to familiarize teachers with Friends of the Petaluma River's water testing kits and is open to all educators teaching within the Petaluma Watershed (Petaluma, Penngrove, North Novato).

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Project WET Petaluma: $200 STIPEND!
to Aug 8

Project WET Petaluma: $200 STIPEND!

Our summer professional development is coming up! This year there is going to be a two day training brought to you by Friends of the Petaluma River and the Sonoma County Water Agency! The training is sponsored by NOAA. It will be focused on connecting Petaluma educators to local environmental education resources.  There is a $200 stipend for participating.

Day 1

This day of the training will have a focus on navigating Project WET curriculum with the Petaluma Watershed in mind.

Project WET provides educator trainings with the goal of bringing students objective, experiential, multi-discipline water education. Their curriculum is K12, NGSS and Common Core aligned, and extremely user friendly.

Their stated mission is "to reach children, parents, teachers and community members of the world with water education that promotes awareness of water and empowers community action to solve complex water issues."

Be ready for a fun and informative day of interactive, hands-on learning!

Day 2

The second day will bring educators to a series of Petaluma Watershed field trip options. The training culminates in an afternoon paddle on the Petaluma River and ends with refreshments at the DYRHC Barn.

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Water Testing Workshop: Grades 6-12
8:00 AM08:00

Water Testing Workshop: Grades 6-12

Training is funded by Friends of the Petaluma River's Watershed Classroom program and will be facilitated by PHS chemistry teacher, Lee Boyes. The class will be taught in two blocks. All interested teachers should attend the first block. Staying for the second is optional but highly encouraged. Teachers do not need to be in the Watershed Classroom to attend. 

Workshop will be held at Petaluma High School in room F16.

8:30-10:00: How to use the kit to practice in the lab.
10-11:30: Drive to river and creeks on the west side to show teachers sites that are accessible

For more information contact

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