Watershed Classroom Orientation
The Watershed Classroom orientation is intended to give students context for their watershed learning. We want students in the program to know that they are a part of a watershed education movement in Petaluma and that they are among an elite group of Petaluma students learning how to be stewards of their local environment.
There are three options for orienting students! Friends of the Petaluma River can visit your students in-class for an hour long presentation, your class can come out to visit Friends at the David Yearsley River Heritage Center for an orientation field trip, or you can design your own orientation using the requirements below!
Orientation Requirements
Friends of the Petaluma River can visit your students in-class or host them at Steamer Landing Park at the David Yearsley River Heritage Center. The in-class visit is an hour long and the field trip should be a minimum of two hours. If you choose to create your own orientation activity, these are the full requirements. This page is also useful is you would like a sneak peak of what will be covered with students.
Orientation Presentation
This is the presentation used by Friends of the Petaluma River during orientations. It is designed to keep students engaged with interactive elements and exciting insights into the history, ecology, and science of the Petaluma River! Teachers are welcome to use and adapt this presentation for use in their own orientation. (Note: Originally made in Google Slides. Some formatting may be lost in Powerpoint download. PDF version includes speaking notes.)
Watershed Timeline
This is a printable and abridged version of our Watershed Timeline.
Stormwater Pollution Activity
This is a description of an activity which can be used to teach students about the types of pollutants that can reach the Petaluma River via stormwater. It will get them critically thinking about how their daily actions affect our watershed and what they can do to prevent pollution.
Sewer Science Activity
This is the materials for and description of an activity designed to help students understand what should and should not go down the drain.