From the Classroom

Introducing Intern Michele Vannucci

It is my pleasure to introduce to you our new Watershed Classroom intern, Michele Vannucci!

She comes to us after managing the Santa Rosa Junior College nursery and is currently working to complete degrees in Environmental Studies and Environmental Horticulture with a focus on nursery management.

In her short time with us since starting in early September, Michele has already taken on many important roles on our team. She has been working with students at our David Yearsley River Heritage Center Field trips, attending important events with implementing classrooms, and helping to maintain and organize educational materials like our water testing kits.

I could go on about how enthused we are to be working with her but I would rather let her speak for herself. We asked her a few questions about working with the Watershed Classroom and here’s what she said...


What are you hoping to accomplish during your time with the program?

While interning with Friends of the Petaluma River, I hope to accomplish several goals. One is to gain experience working as an environmental educator, which includes working with the students as well as review curriculum, learn how it is developed, and the methods to actively keep students engaged in the learning process. Second is to learn more about our local watershed. Since I grew up in Petaluma, this is a very special area to me. Also, I would love to start a propagation project involving the native Flora to this brackish slough in order to increase habitat for wildlife in addition to erosion control along the bank.

What draws you to nature education?

Since I can remember I have always loved being outdoors. I am passionate about the environment and to know I’m putting my passion into action and making an impact is beyond thrilling. With enthusiasm I am honored to be able to share natures wonders with the next generation.

What has been your favorite part of working with the Watershed Classroom so far?

So far I have to say my favorite is watching young minds expand and get excited about learning. To be able to connect nature and these incredible young people is a gift. They all have individual perspectives and ideas expressed with energy and awe. It’s so Inspiring!

What is something you want teachers in the Watershed Classroom program to know about you?

I am a high energy extrovert who is up for just about anything. I look forward to being stretched and challenged knowing it will not only better myself but the community and the environment. Together we will do great things. Thank you for allowing me to join you in this adventure!

Welcome to the team Michele!